It was darker than dark that night. Andrea was home alone. She called Lilian on the phone. “Hey Lilian? It’s kinda creepy tonight. Want to go to Abby’s House?”
“Sure” Andrea replied. “I’ll meet you there in an hour.”
Once they got there they saw Abby’s dead body. Next to it, they saw a note that read, YOU’RE NEXT.
Lillian and Andrea screamed. Then, they heard a loud holler from their friend Emily’s house next door.
Andrea and Lillian ran as fast as they could to her house. They knocked on the Door. Thankfully, Emily answered it.
“Yeah?” she asked, not looking scared.
“A--ABBY IS DEAD” Andrea stuttered. Emily let the friends inside and they all hid inside a closet. After what felt like two hours, they sneaked out. As they left, Andrea and Lillian saw a white figure standing in the hallway. Its Tuxedo was covered in blood. Not surprised, Emily dug through her jeans pocket and threw a found pocketknife at it. Hitting the figure once, they watched him stagger back - and all three girls began to run out the house. A distorted voice from inside the hall whispered… "You can’t hide from me!” The girls sped up, Andrea outside and up into a tree house.
“Hey Emily? Do you have weapons for us?” Andrea asked.
“Well, actually…I do,” she said, kind of bored. From a sand bucket in the corner of the tree house, Emily Handed Lilian a pistol, and Andrea a glass bottle with “POISON” written on it.
“Emily?? Why do you keep POISON in your tree house??”
“Oh you know… things like this happen a lot around here…”